2. MSpec SPRD

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The MSpec portable Fast Responding Gamma Spectrometer and Dose Rate Meter will instantly measure any material for the presence of radioactivity whether it is general waste, medical waste, scrap metal or recycled material. Operation of the MSpec is completely automatic once the easy-to-set operational parameters have been selected. Simply position the unit in close proximity to the object that needs to be scanned and listen for the varying audio alarm to sound and/or the displayed readings to increase. The MSpec scans suspect material and quickly analyzes it to determine if and what radioisotope is present and then further categorizes the result as Medical, Industrial, or Natural Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM). Neutron detection is available with the optional He3 detectro for inscreased functionality.

The user selectable readout on the instrument display will show the desired units of measure, such as Counts per Second (CPS), Dose-Rate (Sv/h, R/h) or Accumulated Dose (Sv/R). The MSpec stores all results in a record which can be downloaded via USB into the user-friendly RadCom MSpec software for information archiving and further data manipulation and analysis. Reports can be saved in Adobe® PDF format and emailed via any PC. Remote service diagnostics and software updates of the MSpec are also achieved by utilizing the RadComm software.

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